Friday, December 30, 2011
Complication. </3
I know how hurt it could be so I mustn't do this again. No way.
So what should I do? :(
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Somebody please guide me. I feel really bad right now. I don't wanna feel this way. :(
Friday, December 23, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Falling in & out.
Oh my, I can’t believe how fast time flies. It’s like I just stepped in year 2011 and now it’s the end of the year already. Let’s hope December will be better cause I really need that lol.
I’ve must say that this year is pretty harsh on me say, friendship, works, family, relatives and of course relationship. I breakdown I cry I stumble I fall, a couple of times. However from what I’ve encountered, I truly believe in the saying of everything happens for a reason.
On a brighter note, my work is my least concern right now I’m glad that I accepted this job offer. Despite some inevitable team conflicts, well, my colleagues are pretty awesome & I enjoy working with them.
And to be honest, it’s been ages since I feel this happy & blessed. I treasure everything and everyone I have right now right here. And one thing I realized, I can be loved by those I care this much. I mean how much they show me that I actually mean something to them., that I’m not replaceable or unnecessary, that they’ll make a lil’ effort so that I’ll stay, that my existence matters to them. :) Thank you so much loves, for all the supports when I thought I couldn’t make through it. Now I’m stronger than ever.
P/s: I just gotta thanks to that special someone. I don’t know what I’ll do without you around when I’m lost. You helped me HELL LOTS. Words can’t even describe how much you did for me. You’re always there you never lie to me. Thank you. You pointed out my wrongs, you taught me how to get over my bad habits, you won’t get sick of telling me how extraordinary how beautiful I am. You're like an angel sent for me. :)
I feel loved & precious. In fact I’m being pampered all this while just that I neglect the attention I already have due to the ONLY craves for the attention of SOMEONE.
Read something that I couldn’t agree more written by a friend, I was raised with first grade love so I’m not settling for second grade from no boy. I promised myself I wouldn't torture myself for someone who doesn’t even worth it. Be smart & be rational.
Btw, am back at home sweet home. I know I seem a lil’ bit like party animal for those who know me but the fact is I really love spending time with my family. Never mind just lazying around at home, watching DVD or just talk. I love my family more than anyone could imagine & I always know that they’re those who TRULY adore you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. They’re just gonna be there.And when I’m at home, I settle down & I take my time to order my inmost thoughts.
As I grow up, the world doesn't seem as pretty or perfect as it used to be. In fact it has its hideous side that I just wanna runaway from. Instead of pointing my fingers to everyone else for my dreadful year, I think it’s time to reflect on myself. My egoistic, my stubbornness, my intolerance, & my so-called principles. All I wanna say is my own attitudes contribute to my sucky year as well. I couldn’t throw the blames away because I myself are partly responsible for what happened as well. I guess my most humble & practical new year resolution would be working on my attitudes, I guess that’s a pretty good kickoff for my 2012! :)
And yeah, as for those who are still wondering why I disappeared from FB, please don’t blast my phone with the same question already. Lol. I’m just taking some time off from some chaos which really gives me severe migraine. I DIDN’T BLOCK ANYONE, I DEACTIVATE MY FB. The least thing I need now is drama, so I’ll activate my FB back when things are settled & when I feel better.
I’m really confused & bewildered right now. When you asked me to think on your behalf, please think on mine as well. How long or how much it gonna takes for you to KNOW/DIFFERENTIATE who to trust when your most beloved one betrayed you before. That’s the time I thought I SHOULD TRUST HIM/HER. Not even a slight doubts. But what happened in the end? I’m not blaming anyone here, I just want some to know how I feel. For the record, I didn’t want or I didn’t choose to be a mad girl who is full of suspicion. This is so tiring. I had insomnia, I couldn’t concentrate on my work. I had this before, I don’t wanna face this all over again. And yes, people change, everyone deserves a second chance. And yup, actions speak louder than words. That’s all I can say. :) I just want my simple life back. No drama, no conflicts, no lies, no hurts, at least not from my beloved ones. So am I asking too much?
Anyway, can’t wait for Christmas. Don’t you lovely people think the same way? ;)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Get up & go. :)
Love is blind.
都make sense,只是都听不进去。
Get up & go, take a chance & be strong.
Or you can spend your whole life holding on.
Don’t look back just go, take a breath move along.
Or you can spend your whole life holding on.
My plans. (:
Gotta learn that it’s not easy, because life is not always pretty.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Black is Back with Arthur’s Day 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
♥Dream High, Dreamers. :)
Came to realize I’ve been taking a break for way too long. All my dreams all my goals that I promised myself that I would work hard to achieve it, I can’t believe I wore it off in time.

Well, the thing is I tend to get about a great deal with several new close friends; I have sometime on my own to marshal my thoughts alone. A simple trip would help me to take me out of myself, so that’s what I’ve been doing lately. Intermingling with buddies from different states, meeting new friends & experiencing unlike customs help me to give deeper thoughts & see matters/things from different angles and perspectives. Frankly, I picked up a lot from them. I must say they’re a very great inspiration to me. They’re like very unlike people from different background & different states gathered together, but all of them have one thing in common which they dream high & they always keep faith in what they’re dreaming about. Should I say they appear just in time in my life to remind me that I used to be just like them? I have no idea that dream that I had, I ALMOST leave it behind. Thanks for the heads up GUYS. X.
Time to recollect the forgotten dream, pick up my pace and yeah, I’ll be back to my game soon. ;)
Good luck to you lovely people, me myself and my new job. I can do this; we can do this. Let’s make our dreams come true. And we’ll be what we want to be when we meet again. X!

Friday, August 19, 2011
♥Can I rewind so that we can make it right?

Thursday, August 11, 2011
♥A better day.
Hmm. I don't know why I'm still wide awake at this hour. Insomnia. My dark eye circles are getting super visible recently. I've been having mood swing and I think I seriously need a vacation. :) Friends are complaining that I was being way too emo for most of my posts because I used to have cheerful habit of mind. Lol. I'll be better loves. Following my path back to when things are not this complicated.
Well, enough with these craps. Let's continue with something happier. Remember my dearest roommie, Chiew Bee? We're very close to each others, we were roommies for almost 2 years? If I'm not mistaken? Reminiscing having pillow talks with her every night before we fall asleep, and how we got scared from the thunder & lightning during late rainy days, and how we showed each others our new apparels and catwalk inside our little room, and how we teased each others about our new flings she LOL at me/I LOL at her when any of us blushed, made me miss her even more. Haha. I still remember when we tease each others, our reactions would be exactly the same where we'll be rolling left and right with the blanket, blushed and smile, then shouted," NO ROOMMIEEEE, I DIDN'T!! / NO ROOMMIEEEE, WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!!" HAHAHA!
P/S: Still remember that roommie? ;) HEHE!
However, the funny part is, we never hang out together for the 2 years period where we stayed together. Funny aye? I guess it's because of the clashes of class schedules, hangout with our own gangs, assignments clashes, tests clashes and so on. Sad right? :/
Anyway, we had our first date recently! Oh well, I know it sounds cliche, but better late than never, no? ;)
Soooo, we went all crazy shopping from 1st Avenue to Prangin Mall, to Gurney Plaza and lastly B'worth (Pantai Bersih) for seafood feast! ;) Eh hem, and as for the seafood part, we were planning to go for Raja Uda tomyam mee as to fulfill my crave but I WAS FREAKING LOST and I ended up at Pantai Bersih. I seriously don't know how I got there. Lol. Luckily Nick and Kay Sen came to rescue. So we settled our meal there. But the food was freaking awesome though!

A must for the order list. ;)

Without flash.

Big thanks to my super roommie! Me likey!

Am so getting one! Tempted to request from daddy!
But no way! I'm setting Dear Jaclyn as role model. ;)
Earn money myself and buy myself! Good luck to me!

<3 Much loves, Caryne. XX!

you always play an important part of my life. :)